“The Pastor” (God don’t forgive them, unfortunately they know what they’re doing!)

The final part of the review of this atrocious fanfiction! This story is worse than I expected, sometimes I had to hold back my vomit because of the many explicit sex scenes that made me more disgusted rather than horny.

“The Pastor” (Holy water may not be enough)

Bambino impaurito che regge una croce in una mano e tende l’altra come a indicare a uno spettro di andarsene

A daddy fanfiction centered around a "sexually frustrated atheist" Harry Styles and a "not-so- innocent pastor's daughter" Hope. Yes, too bad that the religious theme almost never appears and the story is just a sequence of harassments scenes.

“Stalker [H.S] ➣ Daddy!Kink” (Amnesia, take me)

The rookie JoSeBach reviews another One Direction fanfiction where the protagonist's boyfriend is killed, then replaced with his assassin and her stalker Harry Styles. Nothing out of ordinary for these genre of fanfictions, yet not less upsetting.

“Dark” (Evil draws close!) – Part one

The very original story of a violent and aggressive Harry Styles who terrifies the female protagonist, repeatedly harasses her and forces her to go out with him. However, don't worry: he is so hot, and therefore he will be forgiven for no good reason. One of the first horrible fanfictions of this kind, and our great challenge!